Friday, April 28, 2006

Headline change: Self-serving asshole gets new gig

Rosie O'Donnell to join 'The View'



The TV show "Extra" and People magazine were reporting Friday that comic/actress Rosie O’Donnell will be named as the newest co-host of ABC's "The View," (11 a.m. weekdays WXYZ-TV, Channel 7) replacing the exiting Meredith Vieira.
ABC is expected to make the official announcement on Friday's show.
O'Donnell reportedly beat out Connie Chung, Patricia Heaton and Soledad O’Brien for the job.
A lesbian in a committed relationship and known for being outspoken, O'Donnell's addition will provide a challenge to the show's ego mix. Vieira, who was a mediating influence, is leaving to replace Katie Couric on NBC's "Today" show.
O'Donnell's outspoken presence now joins the equally outspoken Star Jones, Joy Behar and Barbara Walters, who works the show part-time. Elizabeth Hasselbeck, a former "Survivor" contestant, is the other regular.

As if there weren't countless other reasons to avoid this TV show like it was a glistening pile of hospital waste. Who, in their right mind, watches this shit? And who forms their opinions of subjects based on this show's banter? You would have to be a back alley-lobotomized dope. And you know the whole thing is rooted in marketing. "Look! We have a big, fat dyke on the show now! See? See how DIVERSE we are?"


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