Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A day at the Big House

Last Saturday was seemingly the first semblance of fall weather. It was about 59 and partly sunny, with a nice breeze and a little bite in the air, but nothing ridiculous. Kerry hooked me up with four tickets to the Michigan-Minnesota game, which I attended with Case, BCL and D-Wall. It was a perfect day, save for the 23-20 loss. Michigan played like absolute dog shit and deserved to lose. We still, despite them, had a great time.

We pulled in and parked in the back yard of some house on S. Pauline, where we had several beers and a couple of shots of Crown, all before noon. The yard had this scary-looking shed


We wondered what happens behind the red door (this, as opposed to what happens behind the green door; we all know what goes on behind that one). We posited that it was a vortex to a world of evil and left it at that. We got to the stadium, which was packed, as usual.


Made it in time to hang out and watch the team run on to the field.


Despite playing like complete shit, Michigan managed to score on this Mike Hart run.

tdrun And that was about it. Field goals, a defensive score and a 95-yard runback by Steve Breaston was the rest of the scoring. But who needs scoring when you have the wonderful people sitting around us? This guy felt the need, whenever Michigan got a first down, to get up and demonstrate using the same gesture the field officials use.

1stdown I found him to be unimaginative and dumb. But nobody, and I mean nobody beat this guy


fucking super duper fan. This man was so obnoxious and so hyped up about this game, it was unbearable. We are 68 rows up off the field and he’s yelling his astute coaching observations to Lloyd Carr, despite most of them being a.) inaccurate, and b.) not applicable. Case, about as mild-mannered as they come, got stuck next to this guy for about three-quarters of the game. He would end up describing this man as an “insufferable asshole,” which I think sums it up perfectly. Here’s super duper fan at the end of the game.


Good. I hope it hurts. It’s only a college football game, man. Get over it. Now, I’m not here to solely pick on people, although it can be fun if you’re like me, and you laugh at yourself first, others secondly. I was in line to use the restroom, I look to my left and I see this monstrosity.


Now, I’m no fashion plate. I dress for comfort exclusively. And I couldn’t farm a head of hair like this if I had to, but this guy looks like a fucking idiot if you ask me. He actually dressed himself before he left the house. And what’s worse, what’s really disturbing is that at one point, he was in a store somewhere and that coat caught his eye. And he tried it on. And it felt good. And he very well may have thought “Man, this duster looks great! I’m like a fucking cowboy or some shit!”

It was still a fun afternoon on a beautiful fall day with some real friends whose company I always enjoy. BCL gets the sums-it-up-perfectly award for the day.



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